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Mt. Pleasant Christian Church was organized September 29, 1886 by Rev. D.F. Jones, assisted by G.R. Underwood.

Charter members included J.G. Wright, who served as Sexton, J.C Wright and H.E. Wright.  The land where Mt. Pleasant Church stands today was gerenously donated by the Wright family for the construction of the church.

The first service held in the newly constructed Mt. Pleasant Christian Church was on September 25, 1887.  That same building is our chapel today.

In the late 1960's, under the leadership of Rev. Clarence Gunter, the church fellowship building and parsonage were built. The church was remodeled and brick was added.

In 2008, the church took a leap of faith as our membership was growing. The parsonage was sold and moved from the property.  The new Sanctuary and classroom space were built that we are currently utilizing along with renovations to the Fellowship Hall.  The new Sanctuary was dedicated on September 28, 2008, our 122nd Anniversary!

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

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